Script sample

Script Sample: At Camp Rio Verde, Taken from Pages 4 & 5 of ‘A Rumbling in the Jungle’

Lady Bambi
If we can bring back just one specimen intact, together with documentary evidence of the conditions required for growing it, then it will be the culmination of a lifetime’s search.

Hyacinth Canopy
And, no doubt, worth a small fortune to you, Lady Bambi. Of course, once we get the plant back to civilisation, it’s over to the real experts to develop it into something that can be marketed throughout the world. Just imagine what that will do for the pharmaceutical industry.

Iris Periwinkle
And, no doubt, for you too, Hyacinth. But that’s hardly the point. Finding ‘La Mariposa Roja’ is not about the impact it will have on multi-national companies. Far from it. It’s about having a positive impact directly on the lives of the people who need it most. Equally important is the need to leave enough specimens growing wild in the rainforest to secure the plant’s future growth. (A rustling noise is heard nearby)

Pandora Bamboo
Good gracious, what was that?

Iris Periwinkle
For heaven’s sake, Pandora, this is the jungle. You won’t sleep well at night if you’re going to jump at every sound.

Pandora Bamboo (Nervously rubbing her neck and buttoning up her jacket)
Yes, well. It’s the not knowing what lurks behind the next bush or tree that bothers me, and these incessant flies and insects – they’re enough to drive anyone mad. Anyway, Miss Periwinkle, it’s all very well for you to talk about leaving the rainforest intact, but the fact of the matter is that the decision is not yours to make – it’s mine. I’m here to ensure that things are conducted ethically and with due respect to the natives, whether animal, vegetable or mineral. I can see that could be a difficult job with a few differences of opinion to resolve and very little likelihood of a pay rise for dealing with them. (A further rustling is heard) Who is that? Who’s there? I can see this is going to be a long and difficult trip.

Tarquin Jaguar-Palmer-Sloth
I hope it’s not too long. We need some time to chill, man. Time to meditate……..on the meaning of life. There’s nowhere better under the sky to take stock than this beautiful forest. Its sounds are music to my ears. Just listen………….(he takes in deep breaths, whilst still sitting cross-legged)

Lord Periwinkle
Yes, yes, yes! This is all very well and good, but please allow me to continue with the groundrules.

Tarquin Jaguar-Palmer-Sloth
Rules were made to be broken, man. Didn’t anyone ever tell you? We broke them all back in the sixties – weren’t you there? We just dropped out and did as we pleased – free living and free lurve. You must’ve been there, man, you’re what? About a thousand years old!

Lord Periwinkle
For goodness sake, stop calling me ‘man’, man. Of course I was there, but, unlike you, I put my time to better use by exploring the world’s plant life.

Tarquin Jaguar-Palmer-Sloth
Funny you should say that, man, but so did I!

Isadora Sloth
Somehow I don’t think you and Lord Periwinkle were studying the same kind of plants, Tarquin. Seriously, though, Lord Periwinkle, do you know just how far into the jungle this trip will take us, only my husband and I are not the fastest of movers in this extreme heat.

Iris Periwinkle
Why doesn’t that surprise us?  Do go on, Dad, or we won’t get past first base at this rate.

Lord Periwinkle
The rules are simple: you will travel in pairs with an assigned partner whom you should never leave under any circumstances, even for a call of nature. If you find la Mariposa Roja, leave it well alone, mark the spot on the ground and on the map and ensure that the rest of us are informed. Just remember we’re heading North and we’re just after one thing.

Tarquin Jaguar-Palmer-Sloth  (Standing up)
Yeah, right on, man. I like it! I’m always just after one thing.

Isadora Sloth
Oh, for goodness sake, Tarquin, can’t you think of anything else for one minute? We’re about to go on a journey which may result in us helping thousands of people, and all you can think about is se………….

Hyacinth Canopy (Interrupting)
Well, you know, they do say that a positive side effect of the plant’s healing powers is an improved love-life. Legend has it that rainforest women mix the petals with peccary casserole to spice up more than just the casserole itself. It’s an interesting theory which I, personally, have never put to the test.

Moreton Manatee
Probably due to a lack of willing volunteers.

Lord Periwinkle
What is it about this use of the word ‘they’? They say this, and they say that – so they may – but as far as I’m concerned all of this is pure conjecture. Besides, most legends turn out to be, at best,  elaborations of something that may have happened years ago, and, at worst, absolute garbage.